The self-harm Project

The Self-Harm Project

We are The Self-Harm Project. Our purpose is to help, listen, raise awareness, and make a difference website: kik: theselfharmproject email:

Shutdown/meltdown vs. sensory overload vs. panic attack?

Hello anon! I’m going to break these down the best I can. 

Panic Attacks

First up is panic attacks. The following information is taken from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America:

“A panic attack is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and includes at least four of the following symptoms:

  • Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
  • Feelings of choking
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal distress
  • Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
  • Chills or heat sensations
  • Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensations)
  • Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself) Listen to this podcast.
  • Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
  • Fear of dying”

Sensory Overload

A sensory overload is the result of too much sensory input. A person’s threshold for sensory stimuli can vary from day to day so what’s too much one day might not affect the person another day. The following are some common traits of sensory overload, though there will be variance in experience:

  • Irritability
  • Touch aversion
  • Lights seem brighter
  • Sounds seem louder
  • Increased stimming
  • Reslessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Unexplained anger
  • Getting annoyed by every little thing
  • Nausea
  • Headache


A meltdown or shutdown is often what comes of sensory overload if the overloading stimuli is not able to be avoided. The following is taken from our FAQ:

“Shutdowns and meltdowns are what happens when your system becomes too overloaded, whether due to sensory overload, too strong emotions, or too much stress. It is a “fight or flight” type response that is activated by our systems becoming overloaded.

A shutdown is an internalized reaction to the overwhelm. A person may lose the ability to talk if they are normally verbal, may be unable to move or have great difficulty moving, and retreat inwards. A shutdown typically lasts until the cause of the meltdown has been removed or resolved and enough time has passed for the system to recover. 

A meltdown is the externalized reaction to overwhelm. A person may yell, shout, hit or kick, throw things, cry, or other outward signs of aggression and distress. However, while a person may seem aggressive during a meltdown, typically they are just trying to get away from whatever is causing distress. Once a stressor is gone, a meltdown will typically begin to alleviate. However, for both meltdowns and shutdowns, a person may need several hours or several days to recover from the experience.” 

I hope this helps you figure things out!


Posted 355 weeks ago
Posted 355 weeks ago


The stereotypical form of dissociation you always hear about is completely losing touch with reality or yourself, like you’re splitting from yourself or the environment around you or black out for long stretches of time, but I’ve figured out that dissociation can actually be a lot subtler and harder to notice.

For example, dissociating can be as simple as detaching, forgetting or blanking out on a trigger, situation or thought that upset you moments before and being left wondering why you are upset. It can be as simple as blocking or checking out of recent or ongoing feelings or memories you don’t want to deal with. Dissociation can even take the form of numbness when you should be feeling intense emotion or a feeling of surreality about your reflection in the mirror or your immediate environment. It doesn’t have to be a complete cut off from reality to be dissociation or to have a big impact.

Posted 355 weeks ago
Posted 355 weeks ago

Some Actual Friendly Reminders


  • If you haven’t eaten today then you now can because your beautiful body needs fuel
  • Take any medication you need to <3
  • You deserve any happiness in life so if you’re debating cutting someone out of your life who is toxic do it because you have the right to be happy
  • If you messed up today by skipping meals, cutting, etc. its okay because you’re only human. One bad day will not make a bad week or year :)
  • If you’re stressed out take a bubble bath because it smells nice
  • Spend your day in pajamas because soft
  • Your gender and/or sexuality is valid and beautiful
  • I’m proud of everyone and you’re all beautiful 
Posted 357 weeks ago

Mental Illnesses


A mental illness is:

- A health condition that can affect our inner and outer selves - Curable - Not a person’s choice - Serious - Not a joke

Mental illness is caused by:

 - Chemical imbalances  - Environment - Traumatic events - Birth trauma - Genetics - Other unknowns 

Mental illness can be made less severe with:

 - Therapy - Medication - Love - Patience - Life coaching 

Sings of mental illness include: 

- Suicide attempts - Self injury (cutting, burning, hair pulling, etc) - Causing harm to others - Emotional outbursts - Coping problems - Withdrawing from life and people (isolation) - Substance abuse - Hallucinations - Unhealthy eating habits - Delusions

 Mental illness can appear in: - Males - Females - Gender queer - Children - Teens - Adults - Elderly - Anyone 

Learning about mental illness is important, because: 

- Knowledge is the first key to a better world - You can be more aware of the health of those around you - You can help people - You know the signs of someone in need - You can make a difference 

Some mental health facts are: - It is okay to struggle with mental illness - Getting better is possible - A lot of people suffer from mental illness - Little steps can make a big impact on your mental health - Suicide isn’t the only way out - Understanding is the key to helping - Pushing people to get better can have a reverse affect

Posted 373 weeks ago
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Posted 380 weeks ago


I’m so proud of you for making it to see another year.

Posted 380 weeks ago
<p><a href="" class="tumblr_blog" target="_blank">sheisrecovering</a>:</p><blockquote><p>Psychological and emotional wellness is an ongoing process for everyone.</p></blockquote>


Psychological and emotional wellness is an ongoing process for everyone.

Posted 382 weeks ago


Posted 382 weeks ago
<p><a href="" class="tumblr_blog" target="_blank">distressedd-and-depressedd</a>:</p>

<blockquote><p>here’s to those who didnt make it to 2017</p></blockquote>


here’s to those who didnt make it to 2017

Posted 383 weeks ago
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